Uses Of Toilet Paper — Recycled Toilet Paper Made in USA

Joinbumroll Com
2 min readApr 5, 2022

Toilet paper is something the majority of us purchase and use.An average of 27,000 trees are cut down each day to support the production of toilet paper. That is A LOT of trees! Bumroll is a toilet paper brand that is committed to reforesting Earth one tree at a time. Why not ensure that the toilet paper you buy is recycled toilet paper made in the U.S.A? Bumroll is a brand that for every subscription box sold, they plant a tree. Partnered with The National Forest Foundation, taking care of Earth for the present and future generation is incredibly important to Bumroll. Toilet paper is something we use quite frequently, and not simply for bathroom uses either. Toilet paper is a very common staple in the house to clean things up, wipe things off, etc.

Bumroll knows how much toilet paper is used, and that’s why they create a product that is 100% sustainable, compostable, and recyclable. And with 27,000 trees being cut down every day just for the production of toilet paper, it’s clear Bumroll cares an intense amount and is committed to reforesting Earth.

10 uses of toilet paper you should be aware of -Being aware of uses is helpful in understanding why the production process is so important. With so much toilet paper being used, it’s never been more important to plant more trees and pay more attention to sustainability and recyclable materials.

  • Toilet paper is often reached to blow or wipe a nose. Using toilet paper as facial tissue is very common.
  • Toilet paper can be used for many crafting projects such as making paper flowers.
  • Toilet paper is used to clean up bugs that get into your house.
  • If you’ve run out of bandages/first aid materials, toilet paper can be used to create a temporary bandage.
  • Toilet paper can be used to wipe makeup off your face.
  • Ran out of coffee filters? Don’t worry — you can use toilet paper for that!
  • Ever had to use toilet paper to cover the toilet seat?
  • Stuff toilet paper in door or window cracks to stop a cold draft during the winter.
  • Make a mommy costume for Halloween.
  • Potty-training. Believe me, with potty-training you are going to use a lot of toilet paper for a lot of reasons!

Toilet paper is an everyday item that we use all the time. But how many of us put time and thought into where the toilet paper came from and how much waste it is producing? Ensuring you are using recycled toilet paper made in the U.S.A is so important. When you think of all the uses of toilet paper, wouldn’t you then agree making toilet paper an intentional purchase is important? Toilet paper has so many uses. Make sure you’re purchasing recycled toilet paper made in the U.S.A. Make sure you’re purchasing Bumroll toilet paper.



Joinbumroll Com

Our bathroom tissue is made locally, providing good jobs and opportunity thereby, making our communities a better place to live and raise our families.